Battle review: Gam, Rolpa


Nov 23 Maoist break cease fire with a surprise attack on Ghorahi Barracks, Dang.  The first ever direct attack on RNA.
Nov 26 Deuba deploys Army, State wide state of emergency declared.

Jan: US senate passes 12 million dollars support for RNA, including 5000 M16 rifles.

Army deploys throughout maoist stronghold of Rolpa. One such temporary base is setup in Gam Village. Base houses a unified command of a single platoon of RNA, a platoons of APF and a platoon of regular police.

May 1: US Defense attache visits Military base in Gam.

May 2-3: Army discovers maoist base in Lisne Lekh. Battle ensues. 4 RNA (3 confirmed) and variable number of maoist casualties.
40 maoist (initial army press release)
650 (later reports,most likely exaggerated)
6 dead( maoist claims)
Map of Rolpa: Gam village on north eastern rolpa, and Lisne area on south eastern rolpa.

May 7: Battle of Gam

Government side:
Base had 126 men, led by a major.
Of them 1 platoon RNA of the Gorakhbahadur Gan
2 platoon of police, one each platoon of APF and Nepal Police.

On the day of the attack 62 men from the base had gone on patrol across the valley and they would not return in time for battle.

The base had 64 men at the time of the attack.

Maoist Side:
At least 1 brigade sized unit ( possibly 2) based on post war maoist interviews.
Numbering 1-2000.
The maoist came for the base discovered in Lisne Lekh earlier that week. Early army reports claimed to have destroyed the maoist unit discovered at Lisne lekh and the attack on Gam was possibly from other undiscovered bases. How ever post war interview and maoist propaganda videos suggest the maoists battle at Lisne caused insignificant casualties and the same unit was able to carry out operations against the government forces within a week.

The Battle:
Maoist marched through the hills on open day light and in large formations, but were undetected. At 10:30 pm, they opened fire and the battle ensued. The maoist had take complete control over the base by 2a.m.Battle however continued until day break, perhaps against troops that had retreated from the base or with troops that had gone out for patrol.

Videos footage from maoist propaganda show use of Flairs by RNA. The captured base show bodies of policeman and soldiers, most of which are covered in dust suggesting use of explosive devices by maoists.

Later military reports suggest the maoist executed captured soldiers. The maoist also show a lot of captured weapons which include atleast 4 GPMG and dozens of SLR. Bullets and large number of explosives can also be seen. There also seems to be a captured police man.

Army was unable to send air support due to heavy fog and perhaps a lack of night vision capability. The initial air recce seemed to have reported smoke coming out of the village suggesting a grave prognosis. The maoist propaganda seems to show this as the parts of the temporary base seems to be on fire.

Still from maoist propaganda video shows captured weapons (and possibly a policeman?)

The maoist seemed well prepared for the operation even though army had conducted recent offensive operation, this didn't seem to have affected the maoist organization or morale. A map was discovered in a dead rebels backpack suggesting a the maoist planned the offensive in advance and had good knowledge of the base. Initial army reports also seem to hint of insider support which could possibly have given maoist the build and structure of the base. This might not necessarily be the case as the village of gam itself was fairly sympathetic and the maoists were known to have militias formed by locals.

Map discovered on a dead maoist's backpack.

Security forces Casulties: atleast 24 soldiers of gorakhbahadur gan, including 2 officers (a major and a captain)
Totaling around 75  with police and APF casualties. Some of whom seemed to be executed.

Maoist casualties: At least 30 dead bodies discovered in and around the base. 150 dead claimed by the army. True figure unknown.

Civilians: 5 reported dead.

The deafeat caused army to go on a tactical retreat from 5 other similar bases to a central base in Khara. Khara would withstand 2 maoist offensives. The base was recaptured by 9th may, and International defense attache were allowed access for the first time. This was perhaps and attempt to further secure international support for the RNA(particularly US support) and also establish the 'terrorist' nature of maoist movement with their killing of captured soldiers and civilians supportive of government presence.

Army also conducted several search operations in pursuit of the maoist army with limited success. 

The maoist gained valuable experience, large amount of weapons and a propaganda victory as RNA retreated from previously established bases in Rolpa.

The operation established the lack of intelligence on RNAs part, in effective presence in the air and lack of co-ordination or offensive capability of the other established bases as they failed to relive or support th base at Gam in any effective way.

You may watch our compilation of all available footage from the incident here:



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