
Showing posts from April, 2021

Review of the battles at the Counterinsurgency War in Nepal: Khara and Pili

Review of the battles at the Counterinsurgency War in Nepal Originally published: The lost battles of Khara and Pili   September 2008 By  Sam Cowan Despite the importance of the clashes at Khara and Pili in turning the trends of Nepal’s decade-long war, both sides have worked to bury the memory of these battles.   Artwork : Venantius J Pinto The 10 years of the Maoist conflict in Nepal, 1996-2006, cost just over 13,000 lives. About 8000 were killed by the security forces. Many of those who died were civilians, and some thousands were extra-judicially executed or ‘disappeared’ – again, the great majority by the security forces. An unquantifiable number of combatants were killed in battles and genuine encounters between the Royal Nepal Army (RNA) and the armed wing of the Maoists, the ‘People’s Liberation Army’ (PLA). About 350 of these individuals were killed in two battles that took place in 2005: at Khara, on 7 April, and at

Leaflet distributed by the Maoists marking the begining of the war

  Appeal of the C.P.N. (Maoist) to the People (Historic leaflet distributed in hundreds of thousands all over the country along with the initiation of the People’s War on February 13, 1996.) March Along the Path of People’s War to Smash the Reactionary State and Establish a New Democratic State! Dear masses of the people, Today the Nepalese society is in a state of grave crisis, whether economically, politically, culturally or otherwise. Where has the present state that has been harping about development and construction for the last fifty years landed Nepal economically? It has landed Nepal to the position of second poorest country in the world after Ethiopia. This state that does not manufacture even a needle in the name of self-reliant and national economy, has handed over the whole economy of the country to a dozen families of the foreign compradors and bureaucratic capitalists. Whereas these handfuls of plunderers have become billionaires, the real masters of this country and the

The Maoist declaration of War

Following is a letter written by  Dr. Baburam Bhattarai then  Chairman Central Committee,United People's Front Nepal to the PM which would mark the declaration of war and begin a 10 year long civil war in Nepal. Right Honourable Prime Minister Prime Ministe's Office, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Sub: Memorandum Sir, It has been six years since the autocratic monarchical partyless Panchyat system was ended by the 1990 People's Movement and a constitutional Monarchical multiparty Parliamentary system established. During this period, state control has been exercised by a tripartite interim government, a single-party government of the Nepali Congress, a minority government of the UML and a present Nepali Congress-RPP-Sadbhavana coalition. That, instead of making progress, the situation of the country and the people is going downhill is evident from the fact that Nepal has slid to being the second poorest country in the world; people living below the absolute poverty line has gone u


  The following is a direct extract from a Maoist propaganda publication  CPN(M) - Worker  regarding the attack on Ghorahi barracks, the first ever attack by the Maoist against the state military forces. It is in essence a propaganda piece and should be approached with some degree of skepticism. It is supposedly written by maoist military commander Nanda Kishor Pun, Pasang.     The Worker, #10, May 2006     Ten Years Special     ATTACK ON GHORAHI, THE DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS OF DANG     Pasang     Date, Location and Time of the Action     Date — 2001, October 22     Location — Ghorahi Bazaar, the district Headquarters of Dang and Narayanpur Bazaar     Time — 11 pm, tranquil, weather normal     Party's Plan     In order to find a political way out, our Party sat flexibly for dialogue with Deuba government (Nepali congress) in three phases. But, we didn't see any possibility of a political way out. The old state, assuming the negotiation as our weakness, went on dragging without sh