The following is a direct extract from a Maoist propaganda publication CPN(M) - Worker regarding the attack on Ghorahi barracks, the first ever attack by the Maoist against the state military forces. It is in essence a propaganda piece and should be approached with some degree of skepticism. It is supposedly written by maoist military commander Nanda Kishor Pun, Pasang.

    The Worker, #10, May 2006

    Ten Years Special



    Date, Location and Time of the Action

    Date — 2001, October 22

    Location — Ghorahi Bazaar, the district Headquarters of Dang and Narayanpur Bazaar

    Time — 11 pm, tranquil, weather normal

    Party's Plan

    In order to find a political way out, our Party sat flexibly for dialogue with Deuba government (Nepali congress) in three phases. But, we didn't see any possibility of a political way out. The old state, assuming the negotiation as our weakness, went on dragging without showing any concern towards the political demand. Contrarily, it went on making conspiracies to further intensive repression. In the course of dialogue itself, it intensified activities like killing, beating and arresting. Such a circumstance had indeed demanded a new way out. So, a military push became an urgent need to create pressure for a political way out. In a situation, when enemy had prepared a series of terrible conspiracies for repression of the people, there was no other appropriate alternative left other than going forward to resist without delay. In this very context, the Party centre went on a plan of impetuous action by breaking off the dialogue. In compliance with the decision of Party centre, plan was made to raid three district headquarters and for a number of big and small military and non-military actions all across the country. Accordingly, a plan was made to seize completely the district headquarters of Dang, under the western regional bureau, raid the army barrack and consciously launch a confrontation with the army. The centre prepared a plan to proclaim that the Party has entered into the phase of strategic equilibrium both politically and militarily by capturing the entire district headquarters. To implement this plan, the entire western regional bureau worked hard for its preparation and logistic arrangements. Having organized command group meetings under the military bureau, concrete work-division was done. The entire team became active with each having one's own responsibility.

    Recce and Preparation

    In order to implement the Party instruction the entire military organization and party rank was mobilized for preparation. A recce [reconnaissance] team was organized to study the overall situation of the enemy, geographical condition etc. By locating area and the posts to survey at day and night, the investigation proceeded in groups. The recce team engaged in groups to look into the royal army barrack, DSP office, SP office, CDO office, Land Revenue office, Bank and Narayanpur Police Post. Likewise, it engaged in surveying, on how to block Tulsipur, Bhaluwang and Lamahi. So as to collect the entire information of enemy activities, their state of affairs, position, security arrangement, number and weapon composition, the recce group organized a final recce team consisting of commanders from different levels to bring back the final report. A special person was mobilized for the internal report. The whole task of reconnaissance was completed within 15 days. In the same manner, all preparations related to technical, logistical and shelters were also carried out simultaneously.

    Geographical Structure

    Ghorahi Bazaar, the district headquarters of Dang district, is situated on the eastern side of plane valley. The royal army barrack was situated at the upper northern corner of the dense bazaar. There were motorable roads in all the directions. In the northern, side, there were small villages and a reserve tank on top. There was a dense jungle a little above that tank. There was a dense bazaar in the southern side and a Bagale brook towards the west. In the eastern side, there were notches, villages and a Katuwa stream. The DSP office was situated in the middle of the dense market. The SP office was close to Tundikhel. There was a traffic post at the southeastern corner of the market and the CDO office was close to it. The court was at the southern end of the bazaar. Likewise, Narayanpur police post was situated at the heart of the Narayanpur bazaar and northern edge of the highway. There was a plane and open geography in all the directions.

    The Structure of the Enemy Camp

    There were six big barracks inside the jungle in which soldiers used to stay. Underground store had been built up there. There were three offices and one canteen. Three communication posts, one medical hall, two kitchens, fourteen sentry posts, bunkers and trenches along with a store were situated there. There was a strong fortification of thorny wire in all the directions. Also, there was a fence of Karangji thorny bush. GPMG and LMG posts were very close to it. In the southeastern side, there was a steel gate. A playing ground and a training field were on the north. On the upper side, there were family quarters. There was a strong fortification in all the directions. There were big Pipal trees in both the left and right side of the barrack. There was a water canal within the barrack.

    Number of Enemies and Weapons

    Under the command of a major, there was a full company, 250 in number, of Bhagawati Prasad battalion. One platoon of Gorkhadal battalion had been added on the very day of action. Altogether, there were around 325 enemies. Regarding the weapons, there were 6 pieces of 81 mm mortar, 3 pieces of 2" mortar, 3 pieces of rocket launcher, 1 piece each of MMG and GPMG, 14 pieces of LMG, 100 pieces of SLR and 48 pieces of SMG and pistols. In the DSP office, there were 150 police personnel. There were altogether 125 pieces of big and small weapons, which included magnum, shotgun, revolver, pistol and 303 rifles. There was an armed force of 35 people in the SP office and 15 in the CDO office. In Narayanpur, there was an armed force of 35 people.

    Our Number and Weapons

    Under the command of our permanent battalion, we had approximately a force of 1100 people composed of a full battalion, two temporary companies and some district platoons. Some volunteers too were there. Regarding weapons, along with 3 pieces of AK-47, 1 piece of M-16, 2 pieces of SLR, 1 piece of SMG and 1 piece of 30-06, we had a good number of 303 rifles, magnum, shotgun, one-shot gun, revolver, pistol, grenade discharge cup, FG and TMG.


    The objective was to intervene politically and militarily on the headquarters in East, Centre and West, across the country, and mainly to maintain balance militarily by prevailing over the royal army, the decisive strength of enemy. Main political objective was to resist the killing, violence, loot, rape, white terror and conspiratorial repression campaign that the old state had unleashed and the conspiracies it had hatched during negotiations. Militarily, it was to intervene on the last force and start a confrontation consciously with the royal army. The plan was to seize entire weapons, technology and ammunition, and logistics. Also we had premeditated to kill army in the least and leave others by giving political lessons. The plan was to destroy the barrack, leave the policemen considerately like the armies, take the DSP, CDO and SP with us but leave the army major after imparting lessons. Also, a policy of leaving the injured enemies after treatment was taken up.

    Allocation of Force for the Action

    Based on study of enemy fortification, geogaphy and posts, the allocation of force had been done as mentioned below:

    a) Eight of the platoons were allocated for the barrack of royal army. In this group, there were altogether 360 combatants out of whom there were 24 assault groups, 4 groups to seize store, 6 groups for mining and other reserve and staff groups. In this group, there were 25 women comrades.

    b) A force consisting of 4 platoons, 160 fighters, in which there were 10 women comrades, was allocated for the DSP office.

    c) A force consisting of 3 platoons, 120 fighters, in which there were 10 women comrades, was allocated for the SP office.

    d) A force consisting of 2 platoons, in which there were 8 women comrades, was allocated for the CDO office.

    e) A force consisting of 3 platoons, 120 fighters, in which there were 15 women comrades, was allocated for Narayanpur Police post.

    f) 2 sections consisting of 22 fighters were allocated for the Bank and 1 section each for revenue and forest office had been allocated. One platoon was sent to block Tulsipur. One platoon was assigned to block Bhaluwang and Lamahi. In all the places, plan was made to raid with correct timing. The plan was made to raid the barrack first and then all other places simultaneously. The plan was made to open fire at the army barrack from the southwestern side and capture all the stores and bunkers simultaneously by entering into the store from the eastern side. In other places also, plan was made to make offensive action and seize as quickly as possible.


    All preparations and battle plan were prepared. The venue for coaching was selected in DI. It was arranged at a distance of 3 walking days or three shelters because it could open if done in close proximity, First of all, entire groups were jointly coached on the new plan taken up by the CC regarding contemporary politics, political situation, necessity and significance of the action, firm conviction towards victory, the necessity of morale in war, battle tactic and art of war. In the second phase, the commander group and commando group were coached. In the third phase, groups were coached while walking. All of the political commissars provided political training. Commanders completed coaching relating to art of war and tactics. In this way, the main coaching was completed by conducting in groups if something was missing. Weapons, ammunitions and war materials had been distributed to all the groups based on necessity. People had supplied war materials with hard labor.

    Move and March

    In order to collect additional report, the commando group marched ahead from the area of preparation and coaching. The remaining main group started on 19th from there. This group took rest after walking three hours and started walking on 20th evening by taking daylong rest at the shelter. Walking for five hours, the group reached another shelter. The whole team stayed secretly at a shelter throughout the day on 21st. On that very day, Comrade Amar Singh, Comrade Viplab and Comrade Ananta came to stay with the force. They presented opinion in short on the necessity and significance of the action. We had dinner. Walking three hours in night, the troop arrived at the last shelter. Next morning, a meeting involving commando group and the available comrades of leadership was held. Following this, work division was done to arrange the remaining tasks. Discussing with group commanders, arrangements of location and volunteers were made to take care of injured comrades and means to supply the required necessities. A great deal of volunteers, as necessitated, had been gathered. In order to supply medicines to sick comrades and the logistics captured from the enemy and war materials, a good number of drivers also were centralised. A short training was arranged for them. Discussing their responsibility and necessity, the task had been concretely allotted. Responsibility had also been divided concretely for those comrades who were going to Bank, revenue office and the forest office. Systematising all the tasks like distribution of war materials, weapons, stretcher, carrying baskets, medicines and setting of the fighting formation, everything had been finalized till the dinner time in the evening. After having dinner at 5 pm and having roll call of all the groups at 6 pm, the whole troop was divided in two groups. The group supposed to go from southeastern side and to the SP and DSP offices followed a route along the stream. The group that was supposed to go to the CDO office had already reached at a southern village, the earlier day. The preparation and coaching for Narayanpur had been done in a different place. The group supposed to go from the northwest had started before because it had to handle a steep hill. The troop went forward negotiating steep ups and downs and streams. It got detached on the way for it missed the route. After all efforts, it regrouped and followed the correct route and marched ahead along a paddy field. On the way it came to see a peasant watering the field. He was astonished. He failed to recognise whether the troop was of Maoists or the RNA. No one was anticipating that the raid would take place there; he went towards the village. Right at the moment, a vehicle arrived. We took side for a while to let it pass. It took its route. We went on walking towards the target. It was 10 o'clock; only one hour was left to reach at the destination and open fire. We were approaching the enemy. It came to notice our movement. The enemy whistled emergency siren, rang bell and called upon all to form a line. All of them took all round position and took out all the weapons from the store. I was disturbed to have our plan been destroyed.

    Comrades asked, "Did the enemy know of us"?

    I pacified the comrades saying that it was nothing; it was their daily routing. But, internally I was disturbed for not being able to surprise them. Even then we had to attack. In any case I was for going ahead with it. Time was approaching; we were advancing. Electric light disturbed us.

    An old woman, seeing us, yelled, "What is this"?

    She kept quiet after she was told not to do so. All of a sudden, a police patrolling van saw us when we were approaching the main road after crossing the bridge. Our troop was all over the highway. After seeing this, the enemy went directly towards the DSP office. Only 5 minute was left. Right then, it was ordered to open fire. Enemy had taken position by the time we opened firing.


    At the time we opened firing, all of our teams had reached their respective positions. Quite a few were yet to reach. We opened the first fire. Soon after the first fire was opened, intense firing went off from all the directions. Firing was opened simultaneously in all the offices of DSP, SP and CDO. After opening the fire, the sentry staying at the market side gate fled away. The post got captured immediately. In other places, the enemy resisted violently. They fired from all weapons like LMG and MMG. Intense fighting went on. Number of the wounded comrades started increasing on our side, they too started falling down. We cautioned them to lay down arms from the loudspeaker and requested them to surrender. But why would those fools agree? On the contrary, they continued fighting more fiercely. The 'O' group was found staying at the store. Forty-five minutes later, one group returned back after capturing the SP office, chanting slogans. That group too added to ours. Our strength increased. After one hour, DSP office too got captured. That group too added to ours. One group after another went on adding to our strength. After about one hour, major and 2 I/C fell down in the store. Two barracks lying towards the field and store got captured. After the store was captured, the weapons, including SLR, LMG and SMG also came to our possession. Only four barracks were remaining. Comrades did not know how to use LMG and called me. I sent it back after fitting. Following this, more intense fighting took place. At last, only one barrack was remaining. We mined that too. Everything got captured only when we mined after 45 minutes. All of them surrendered by raising hand.

    After capturing, we searched all of the stores. All weapons and ammunitions were loaded into vehicles that were brought from the market. By giving political class to those who surrendered, it was clarified with reasons why the raid had been done. Then they were left without any harm. The injured were treated and left. At around 4 AM, loading 6/7 trucks of ammunition and chanting slogans of victory, we walked away from there. Some walked on foot and some moved away on motors. While returning, we walked all the way to Holleri Dahavan. We had our food there. The local comrades in Dahavan welcomed us with crimson. Good food was prepared there. We had captured police and army vans and brought them with us. People on the way welcomed us enthusiastically. They were looking strangely at us. Some of them were encouraging us by saying, "Well done! You are heroes".


    After succeeding in the action, we directly came back to Dahavan. We amassed the weapons captured and started dispensing them. Collecting the entire data, the weapons were taken as much as possible to different places to distribute and divide with the help of volunteers and horses. Others were kept apart. The troop decentralized from there. Groups that had come from Bheri, Karnali and Seti went to their working region. The force from special bureau went to their area. SP was left on the way, while CDO was left from Dahavan.


    This action proved to be a historical milestone. Political and military achievement was acquired qualitatively. The concrete technical achievement was achieved as follows:

    a) 5 pieces of 81 mm mortar and cells 250,

    b) 3 pieces of 2" mortar and cells 200,

    c) 3 pieces of RL and cells 40,

    d) 2 pieces of MMO and GPMG, 14 pieces of LMG, 48 pieces of SMG, 100 pieces of SLR, altogether 225 pieces of .303 rifle, magnum, shotgun, revolver and pistol and war materials including more than 50 thousands of ammunition, around 50 quintals of gelignite, fuse wire, detonator, M-36 grenade were achieved. More than 50 million in cash and other valuables worth Rs 2.5 million were captured.

    Enemy Loss

    14 royal army personnel including a major and 2 I/C died in the action. Altogether 7 policemen died where as about 3 dozens were wounded. Almost all of the camps were destroyed. Enemy lost property worth more than 200 million Rupees.

    Our Loss

    7 comrades were martyred from our side. In this battle, the section commander duo Comrade Bijog and Comrade Sapana (Husband and wife) were martyred. Seven promising comrades, including this red couple, attained heroic martyrdom. Altogether 18 comrades were injured, some of them seriously.

    Enemy Movement After the Action

    The enemy did not dare to land helicopter till 10 o'clock in the morning. They dispersed wounded soldiers by cautiously landing helicopter only after 10 o'clock. They hesitantly deployed additional forces only in the afternoon. The second day, they flew planes in the sky and killed 5 horses in Dahavan by firing from a helicopter. Only on the third day, army came towards Dang region and that too fought each other having no knowledge of who they were. The enemy mobilized army only after imposing emergency and entered cautiously towards Dahavan, Ghartigaon, Nuwagaon and Budhagaon.

    Evaluation and Conclusion

    The countrywide thrust in accordance with the plan of the Party centre succeeded excellently. The first physical raid on the army turned out to be brilliantly successful. In the history of the PLA, a heroic and brilliant record came to be established. The PLA got established in a new way, nationally and internationally. The morale of the proletariat and oppressed people heightened qualitatively. The necessary weapons, technological materials and ammunition came to be fulfilled. Political and military intervention echoed in a real sense. With claim, we entered into strategic equilibrium. This action raised the Party and PLA to a new height and it pushed the enemy into further desperation, discouragement and crisis. The first action on the army succeeded in a short duration. In this way, the action was evaluated.

    Weaknesses and Shortcomings

    Compared to the success the shortcomings and weaknesses were few. They can be shown as follows:

    a) Lack of skilled and smooth operation.

    b) Not to be able to bring all the weapons captured from there.

    c) Not to be well organized in collecting weapons.

    d) Not to be able to allot concrete responsibility and task.

    e) To be unable to collect data of all the weapons.

    f) To be unable to bring the situation in order after the seize operation.

    g) To be unable to organize supply and treatment of the wounded and sick comrades.

    h) To be unable to have correct coordination of command and control.

    Enemy Propaganda

    "A group of Maoists, who had come in more than 20 thousand, have destroyed the headquarters of Dang district and the barrack of royal army, last night. In the same manner, raiding the headquarters of Shyangja district, they have brutally killed 14 royal army personnel and 7 policemen. Maoists, calling off the negotiations unilaterally, have created a serious terror on the law and order situation in the country. There has been loss of millions of property from the raid. The Maoists have looted 70 million in cash and other valuables and people's property. The eye-witnesses say around 2 hundred Maoists have died from the resistance of the royal army and the policemen." The radio Nepal news and the program 'event and view' propagated this. BBC Nepali service said, "The Maoist rebels, who had come in more than 20 thousand, have raided the royal army barrack, DSP and CDO office situated at Ghorahi, the district headquarters of Dang district of Western Nepal, last night. In the same manner, by raiding the forest office, revenue office, Narayanpur police post and Nepal Bank Limited, weapons and millions of cash and valuables have been looted, says the Home Ministry. In the raid, 14 royal army soldiers and 7 policemen have beem killed on the spot, whereas 3 dozens have been injured. About 70 million, cash and valuables, and entire weapons too have been taken away. It has also been assumed that hundreds of Maoists have been killed. This is the biggest raid till now. In the same manner, the rebels have looted all the weapons and bank by raiding Putali bazaar, the district headquarters of Shyangja. From this a serious crisis has come about in law and order situation in Nepal", it broadcasted.



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